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Secret Potter

Grandpa's Story...

It was Grandpa Wilson who first made us aware of the large black can hidden just behind his flowering plants. He was a slight wisp of a man with twinkling eyes and an infectious smile.
It was his custom to select two children at a time and invite them to breakfast of poached eggs floating in butter and soda bread.

I was one spring day, in this foregone era, that Grandpa Wilson summoned us. He dispatched us shortly after breakfast with specific instructions to dispose of his filled trash bags, directing us just a short distance behind his blossoming shrubberies that neighbored the dark forest. We were to deposit his refuse inside the rusted black can that resided on the dark side of the property line. When we returned, he patted our heads as a sign of gratitude and softly walked back inside his rustic cottage.

I once stepped in similar woods which reminded me of Grandpa Wilson but never saw the black can that so closely linked me to this past time. Many years went by without knowing why Grandpa Wilson specifically placed his refuse container along the dark forest wood line. It wasn?t until 2009 when I subconsciously did something very peculiar. I noticed I began hiding my trash can just behind a row of evergreens. Then it was clear, Grandpa Wilson was hiding his unsightly garbage container.

So precious was Grandpa Wilson?s bucolic way of living that the sight of a garbage can could unsettle his vision of nature?s beauty. And so precious that even some grandfather?s today sit still and keep the clutter of the world apart from nature?s splendor.

When you use "The Secret Potter" you?ll witness what Grandpa Wilson saw, beauty that is uncluttered by plastic or metal garbage cans near or around your home. We still eat poached eggs swimming in butter and always, always think of Grandpa Wilson when we do, and smile at what he inspired.

From The Archives Of,
Kevin and Jeff

Secret Potter


It's an Enclosure, a Refuse Collector and a Planter

"The Secret Potter" camouflages unpleasant views and foul odors coming from your plastic trash containers by giving the impression that its sole use is a blossoming planter. While this attractive unit acts as a Decorative Planter, in reality, it has 3 uses in 1 Product; It?s an Enclosure, Refuse Collector and Planter.


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