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Raccoon Resistant Garbage Can Straps - The LidLock Keeps Can Contents Safe

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Prevent spilled garbage from:

  • Dogs and Racoons
  • Winter storms
  • Overstuffed cans

LidLock fits all standard size 30-45 gallon garbage cans. Part number STR101 fits a 30-40 gallon can size but no larger than 40 gallon. STR102 fits a 45 gallon can only, usually nothing more or less. LidLock raccoon resistant garbage can strap is quick and easy to use - installs easily and opens with one hand. It's made from the most durable materials and extensively tested to provide superior protection.
It's four-point engineered security system includes over ten feet of durable shock cord and heavy duty buckle to keep raccoons, squirrels and other critters out of your garbage cans.

Lid Lock is the perfect solution for home, farm, park or anyplace where you want to keep can contents safe and secure outdoors. These are raccoon resistant not raccoon proof garbage can straps. Its rare that an animal will breach the straps but not impossible. All animals are unpredictable, meaning chewing and other behaviors could allow a raccoon, squirrels and other animals with sharp teeth to possibly damage straps and Bearicuda will not warranty product for these occurrances. They ideal for all weather conditions and provide a secure and safe environment for your family without the risk of animals around your trash and home.

Protect feed, seed and grain from:

  • Racoons
  • Rodents
  • Dogs
  • Livestock
  • Varmints of all kinds
  • Fits 30-32 gallon round and square cans


  1. Turn empty trash can upside down and slide LidLock over the bottom so buckle ends extend over open end of can.
  2. Turn can upright and place lid on can.
  3. Connect buckle over lid and LidLock is ready to keep things where they belong.
LidLock Drawing
LidLock Raccoon Proof Can Security System 
30-40 Gallon Lid Lock Raccoon Proof Can Security System
Durable shock cord with heavy duty buckle
Fits all standard size garbage cans between 30-40 gallon Cans
Cannot fit more than a 40 gallon can or less than a 30 gallon can.
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Raccoon Proof Your 45 Gallon Trash Can With LidLock

LidLock Logo


Prevent spilled garbage from:

  • Dogs and Racoons
  • Winter storms
  • Overstuffed cans

LidLock fits all standard size 45 gallon garbage cans . LidLock raccoon proof garbage can strap is quick and easy to use - installs easily and opens with one hand. It's made from the most durable materials and extensively tested to provide superior protection.
It's four-point engineered security system includes over ten feet of durable shock cord and heavy duty buckle to keep raccoons, squirrels and other critters out of your garbage cans.

LidLock is the perfect solution for home, farm, park or anyplace where you want to keep can contents safe and secure outdoors. These raccoon proof garbage can straps are ideal for all weather conditions and provide a secure and safe environment for your family without the risk of animals around your trash and home.

Protect feed, seed and grain from:

  • Racoons
  • Rodents
  • Dogs
  • Livestock
  • Varmints of all kinds


  1. Turn empty trash can upside down and slide LidLock over the bottom so buckle ends extend over open end of can.
  2. Turn can upright and place lid on can.
  3. Connect buckle over lid and LidLock is ready to keep things where they belong.
LidLock Raccoon Proof Can Security System 
45 Gallon Lid Lock Raccoon Proof Can Security System
Durable shock cord with heavy duty buckle
Fits all standard size garbage cans 45 gallons
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Bearicuda Bins | PO Box 56, 3 West Street, Suite 3E| Litchfield, CT 06759-0056 | 877-BEARICUDA (232-7428) | www.bearicuda.com
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